Deep in the blue sky,
like pebbles at the bottom of the sea,
lie the stars unseen in daylight
until night comes.
You can't see them, but they are there.
Unseen things are still there.
The withered, seedless dandelions
hidden in the crack of the roof tile
wait silently for spring,
their strong roots unseen.
You can't see them, but they are there.
Unseen things are still there.
Translations by Sally Ito & Michiko Tsuboi / JULA
〈Design descriptions〉
Dandelion roots and stars in daylight were the metaphors that Misuzu used to deliver a message about the things that are invisible to the eye but still matter. The dandelion’s resilience and generosity are qualities that we need more than ever now. The flowers and leaves are visible to us, rendered in the straightforward colors of yellow and green, while the navy-colored dandelion seeds seen from the side are peppered around like stars to evoke the image of "stars in daylight." This is a block-patterned twist on the 2018 design inspired by the same poem.